Thursday, December 4, 2008


Did every one watch RAW last Monday? I sure did! I'm mainly writting to apolgize about the card I called for Arm. That match between Kane and Cena ws scheduled for that MONDAY night. Woops ;) Anywayz did you hear Jericho's little emotional speech about his son "going the dark side" by idolizing John Cena, the man who caused him to get fired some-odd years ago? When he was spilling his guts, I began to think, 'Hmmm, maybe all his animosity is justafiabl.' But during Cenas match with the Big Red Machine Kane, Jericho got his little group of thugs (Orton, Manu, and Rhodes)to "straight jump" John it was scary!!! Poor Poor John

Mr. Kennedy~ Another Milit-Movie?!

From what I gather, this is some sort of Milit-Movie that the WWE is famous for putting their superstars in. 1st it was John Cena and The Marine and now it's Kenney. Is it me or am I sensing a trend? I remembe when McFoley was in that horror movie not too long ago but I can't even remember what it was called!I don't know about you all but I wanna see a comedy in the near future. Maybe... something with Triple H? And Adam Sandler? I'll even settle for a horror flick in which Maria Kenellis gets to be the 4th victim killed off!!!! Hopefully it wont be anything like See No Evil. I didn't exactly see it, but I heard it was a little lackin, like, 40%. But, then again, how can i judge?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ist Post EVER

Hey y'all. I know how much you kiddies are excited about this year's Armageddon with the sure to be famous match up featuring Kane and John Cena, but did you know what else will be going down that historic night? I'm here to tell you in this epic new blog of mine. Here, you'll find all the latest and greatest installmets in the History of WWE awesome-ness!!! >:) *pumps fist in the air* So excited.

I probably won't be able to watch the actual PPV (my rents are cheap) but of course I'll be catching the updates on RAW. Life is good. Oh, P.S DON'T FORGET TO WATCH RAW TONIGHT!!!